地 址:香港沙田 香港中文大學 梁銶琚樓二樓 220 室
電 話: (852) 3943 4277
傳 真: (852) 3942 0995
電 郵: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk
Slide image: The Art Institute of Chicago.
譚永亮神父主編 (Chief Editor: Fr. Patrick Taveirne, CICM)
Issue No. 14 of the Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies adopts 11 essays presented at the International Symposium on “The Doors that Propaganda Fide has Opened since 1622” held in August 2022. Among them, three papers review missionary work in Asia and the history of Propaganda Fide. Five papers focus on development of communication and the Church’s response to it. The remaining three papers discuss the cultural limitation of Propaganda Fide in forming policies in mission lands and how Asian Buddhist traditions took root in America.
地 址:香港沙田 香港中文大學 梁銶琚樓二樓 220 室
電 話: (852) 3943 4277
傳 真: (852) 3942 0995
電 郵: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk
Slide image: The Art Institute of Chicago.
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