地 址:香港沙田 香港中文大學 梁銶琚樓二樓 220 室
電 話: (852) 3943 4277
傳 真: (852) 3942 0995
電 郵: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk
Slide image: The Art Institute of Chicago.
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This issue is a collection of articles from The International Conference on the Asian Ecumenical Movement held in April 2018 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Experiences from India, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong are featured. Scholars have considered the situation of the Ecumenical movement in Asia from many different perspectives and have suggested directions for the movement, like wider ecumenism and public theology. The editorial borrowed the idea of the Ökumenisches Forum in HafenCity of Hamburg and proposed a multi-purpose building in Hong Kong that houses not only different Christian denominations but also contribute to the housing problem we faced.
In March 2017, a group of scholars gathered at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and discussed this topic. The theme of the conference is “Teaching Catholic Social Ethics and Civic Education.” After the conference, the participants revised their articles, based on the discussion in the conference and comments from peer reviews. This issue of the Hong Kong Journal for Catholic Studies is a collection of these articles. The authors of this issue explore themes like Catholic identity and religious education; approaches in teaching CST, social justice, gender justice and civic education; case studies of teaching social ethics, religious and moral education. The 11 articles are divided into three sections.
The Centre for Catholic Studies has selected nine in-depth, comprehensive studies related to the topic of “biblical translation in Chinese”. Although the range of issues covered by these nine articles appears quite vast, all of them refer themselves to a common historical legacy. Each author has been particularly attentive to pioneering translations. Precious and erudite conclusions are drawn, and many ground-breaking insights are provided. The present Issue no. 2 constitutes an essential reference for new generations of biblical translators in Chinese.
NB: The name on the illustration page no. 310 was mistaken. A corrected version of the whole book is uploaded on 17 Nov 2011. Individual chapters are not affected.
1. 研究系列:主要出版經過學術評審之具原創性之研究成果,包括個人專著及會議論文集等。
2. 翻譯系列:主要出版與天主教研究相關之外語書籍之漢譯,以提升漢語學界對國外研究成果之認識。
3. 史料及工具系列:主要出版有助促進天主教研究之研究工具,包括史料、詞典、翻譯手冊等。
4. 通識系列:主要出版面向社會大眾之書籍,目的在於以深入淺出方式及貼近生活的主題介紹天主教文化。
1. 於辦工時間親臨本中心購買 (星期一至五上午十時至下午六時)。
2. 請聯絡公教進行社。
地 址:香港沙田 香港中文大學 梁銶琚樓二樓 220 室
電 話: (852) 3943 4277
傳 真: (852) 3942 0995
電 郵: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk
Slide image: The Art Institute of Chicago.
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