Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies

Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies (Issue No.14)

The Doors that Propaganda Fide has Opened since 1622 〈教廷傳信部自1622年以來打開的大門〉

Chief Editor: Fr. Patrick Taveirne, CICM (主編: 譚永亮神父)


Issue No. 14 of the Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies adopts 11 essays presented at the International Symposium on “The Doors that Propaganda Fide has Opened since 1622” held in August 2022. Among them, three papers review missionary work in Asia and the history of Propaganda Fide. Five papers focus on development of communication and the Church’s response to it. The remaining three papers discuss the cultural limitation of Propaganda Fide in forming policies in mission lands and how Asian Buddhist traditions took root in America.


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  1. 目錄 (中文)
  2. Table of Contents (Eng)
  3. 作者簡介 (中文)
  4. Contributors (Eng)
  5. 主編的話 (中文)
  6. Editor’s Word (English)

    Propaganda Fide in History and Missionary Work in Asia

  7. Michael Hak-Hyeon KIM, KMS, “From Mission to Mission: Missionary Experience from the Korean Catholic Church”

  8. Armada RIYANTO, CM, “The Catholic Mission in Indonesia and Propaganda Fide – A Historical Overview”

  9. Claudia von COLLANI, “Beginning with Obstacles: The First Attempts of the Propaganda Fide to Establish Relations with China”

    Christianity and Communication in the Modern World

  10. Francis L. F. LEE, “The Challenges of Communication in the Era of Social Media: Perspectives from Media Studies”

  11. Anthony S. K. LAM, “In the Age of Digital Social Media, What is the Role of the Catholic Church?”

  12. Calida CHU, “Evangelization of the Christian Church in the Twenty-First Century: A Digital Theological Perspective”

  13. Bernardo CERVELLERA, “Propaganda Fide and Mission as Communication”

  14. Mi SHEN, “The Church and Communication”
    米 申〈教會與傳播〉

    East Meets West in Cultural Exchange

  15. XUE Yu, “Recreating Mindfulness Meditation in America”
    學 愚〈重構美國的靜觀默想〉

  16. Gianni CRIVELLER, PIME “A Century of Incoherent Missionary Policy. Propaganda Fide and China: From the Accommodation Imperative (1659’s Instruction) to the Condemnation of the Chinese Rites (1742)”

  17. Thierry MEYNARD, SJ, “Promoting the Indigenization of Catholicism in Republican China: The Role of Propaganda Fide in Canton”