Public Talk Series on 20th Century History of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong – June (Cantonese and Mandarin)
Co-hosted by Centre for Catholic Studies CUHK, Kung Kao Po and Archives Office of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong.
22 June 2019:Charisma, Service Experience and Challenges of Religious Communities(Cantonese and Mandarin)
- 除了男女修會,香港教區也有三個俗世教友修道團體。你對他們有多少認識呢?(粤語|重溫)
黃惠蘭婢女(仁慈婢女俗世會) - 聖高隆龐傳教會1918年在愛爾蘭創辦,於1950年來港,更於2008年將總部遷港,靈感何來?(普通話|重溫)
陳發義神父(Fr. Tommy Murphy) - 天神之后傳教女修會1922年在加拿大創辦,1926年來港。你知道她們的其中一位會祖是華人嗎?(粤語|重溫)
袁瑞玲修女 - 問答環節(重溫)
Theme of the Monthly Public Talk Series –
- March:Missionary History
- April:Church in Social Development
- May:Catholic Church Spaces
- June:Religious Communities
- July:Catholic Education
- August:Localization of the Church
Related Event:
Conference on the History of the Hong Kong Catholic Church in the 20th Century
Media Reports:
Kung Kao Po (11 August 2019)