Oral History of the Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students
In 2014, the former Chaplain of the Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students (HKFCS), Fr. James Hurley SJ returned to his home country to retire. Another Chaplain, Fr. Tam Kwan was suffering from cancer while the HKFCS was asked to move out from its office. These drove five HKFCS members and chaplain who were active in the Federation in different times to get together and think about how to share with people the spirit and perspective that had inspired them in those years. This oral history project is a sharing, a review and an exploration. It attempts to knit together the experiences of involvement and individual development of former Executive Committee members and Chaplains so as to delineate the journey of this Catholic student community during 1962-1980, and thereby reshape the development path of the Church and Society of Hong Kong.
Where to buy:
公教進行社 Catholic Centre
https://www.logos.com.hk/塔冷通心靈書舍 Talentum Bookshop
https://www.livingfaith.org.hk/香港中文大學出版社The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
(星期一至五上午十時至下午六時 Mon to Fri 10am-6pm)
https://www.hkjp.org/香港中文大學天主教研究中心 Centre for Catholic Studies
(星期一至五上午十時至下午五時 Mon to Fri 10am-5pm)
https://catholic.crs.cuhk.edu.hk/查詢 Enquiry:3943 4277/catholic@cuhk.edu.hk