Asian Theological Resources on Conflict and Reconciliation
About the course:
This course intends to explore the resources offered by modern and contemporary Asian theologians when dealing with conflict and peacebuilding issues. It primarily refers to Catholic theologians but extends to all major Christian denominations. It also considers resources provided by Chinese Classics and other cultural references when reading through the prism of biblical hermeneutics. Authors and situations covered come from India, Sri Lanka, Korea, and Greater China principally, with some Japanese and Vietnamese authors also mentioned.
The methodology followed consists in the reading of texts explained by referring to their present-day context as well as to the use they make of the various traditions into which they are inscribed. (Note the tension between “present-day context” and “traditions”) We will try to develop our own interpretation of these resources in light of the changes presently affecting the global community.
- To have a general understanding of the styles and issues at the core of Asian theologies;
- To appreciate Biblical resources on violence and peace and the various ways in which such resources may be interpreted;
- To understand the mode of reasoning characteristic of contextual theologies;
- To engage into cross-cultural hermeneutics;
- To apply the insights gained in the course to interpret situations.
Taught by: Prof. Benoit Vermander SJ魏明德教授
Fr. Vermander is a professor in the department of Religious Studies at Fudan University and academic director of the Xu-Ricci Dialogue Institute at Fudan Faculty of Philosophy. He got his PhD in political science from Institute d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1984) and a doctorate in theology from the Jesuit Faculties of Philosophy and Theology of Paris (2009). He can speak fluent Mandarin. His research and publications focus on China’s model of development and its role in the globalization process, on Chinese religions and spiritual traditions, and contemporary expressions of civil religions.
Commitment: 10 weekly lessons begin on July 18, 2023 (Tue)
Language: English (with subtitles)
Course outline:
- Introductory Concepts (1): Violence, Peace and the Bible
- Introductory Concepts (2): Asian Theologies
- Harmony in Chinese Thought and Its Christian appraisal
- Doing Theology Dialogically (1)
- Doing Theology Dialogically (2)
- Harmony and Conflict in the Indian Context
- Interrelatedness
- Christology and reconciliation
- Hermeneutical readings of Classics as a reconciliation endeavor (1)
- Hermeneutical reading of Classics as a reconciliation endeavor (2). Conclusion.
10 weekly lessons begin on 18 July ( a new lesson will be uploaded every Tue).
Participants can email their questions and comments to Prof. Vermander through the Centre for Catholic Studies <catholic@cuhk.edu.hk>