東西薈萃:香港天主教的傳教歷程 East Meets West : The Development of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong

東西薈萃:香港天主教的傳教歷程 East Meets West : The Development of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong

非賣品 ; 另有電子版可供下載. Not for sale ; e-copy available for download.





East Meets West: The Development of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong

This English and Chinese bilingual booklet is a result of the “East Meets West: The Journey of Hong Kong Catholicism in the 20th Century” research project sponsored by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust and is available in printed version and electronic version. Classified by the districts of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories, this booklet selects some Catholic buildings built in Chinese or Western style or with historical significance to show the development history of the local Catholic Church.

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