History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong (Vol.3)

History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong (Vol.3)

Louis Ha, Patrick Taveirne
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Following the publication of our two-volume History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong (2009) and our invitation to other religious and missionary institutes in Hong Kong to share their faith experience with Christ by narrating their own history, several institutes responded generously. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the contributors of this third volume.

The present History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong Volume Three, Historical Materials, includes the historical narratives of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (PIME Sisters), the Missionaries of Charity (MC), the Missionary Society of St. Columban (SSC), the Guadalupe Missioners (Foreign Missionary Society of Mexico, MG), and the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools (FMS). A chronology of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood (SPB) is also included in the appendix.

The histories of some of these societies show how the foreign missionary presence in Hong Kong recently has shifted from a predominantly European and American Catholic presence to a more diverse international representation by missioners from Brazil, Australia, India and Mexico.